
Every generation seems to have its own idea of how to go about making a good marital match. These days one can hardly watch any television without being bombarded by advertisements from companies who claim to be able to find the perfectly complementary spouse for those who sign up-the high tech version of the “”personals”” columns of by-gone years.

Somehow I don’t think anyone today would sign on for the Genesis 24 method of finding a spouse, but maybe this text can tell us something about other life decisions. We are reminded of the importance of prayer in any venture. While we may balk at the idea of setting God any particular kind of test (fleeces seem to have gone out of favour), it nonetheless remains true that God continues to speak to us through life’s circumstances. And when it comes to finding those who might partner with us in any of life’s adventures, it is not arm-twisting that’s needed, but a mutual, prayerful discernment of God’s purposes. Isaac loved the end result-his wife Rebekah-and I’m thinking that when we discern God’s voice in the questions of our lives, we, too, will love the results.

Lord, help me to discern your path in today's decisions. Amen. — CN

Contributed by Decisions

Every generation seems to have its own idea of how to go about making a good marital match. These days one can hardly watch any television without being bombarded by advertisements from companies who claim to be able to find the perfectly complementary spouse for those who sign up-the high tech version of the ""personals"" columns of by-gone years. Somehow I don't think anyone today would sign on for the Genesis 24 method of finding a spouse, but maybe this text can tell us something about other life decisions. We are reminded of the importance of prayer in any venture. While we may balk at the idea of setting God any particular kind of test (fleeces seem to have gone out of favour), it nonetheless remains true that God continues to speak to us through life's circumstances. And when it comes to finding those who might partner with us in any of life's adventures, it is not arm-twisting that's needed, but a mutual, prayerful discernment of God's purposes. Isaac loved the end result-his wife Rebekah-and I'm thinking that when we discern God's voice in the questions of our lives, we, too, will love the results.
Eternity for Today