Tuesday September 20th, 2016 Ephesians 2:4-10
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God? (verse 8)
There is a woman in our community whom I admire and respect very much. I have never found a way to tell her. For me she is truly the epitome that by God’s grace through faith, life carries on even when it is harsh and unfair.
Several years ago, her world was turned upside down in the course of a few hours. She literally had to rebuild her life from the ground up. For some people this would be so overwhelming that it would be easy to retreat from the world and simply give up. She never did this.
I believe it was her faith in God that pulled her through the darkest of hours and helped her gain back her life. I believe that God’s grace continues to shine upon her every day through the Holy Spirit.
Paul writes to the Ephesians that God’s grace is a gift. Through God’s doing, not our own, we are raised up to heavenly places even when we have fallen and sinned. Through God’s grace we are saved.
Gracious Lord, even in the darkest of hours you raise us up out of our sorrows and never leave us. May the Holy Spirit be with us always. Amen. — JR
Contributed by Awaken me Holy Spirit
There is a woman in our community whom I admire and respect very much. I have never found a way to tell her. For me she is truly the epitome that by God's grace through faith, life carries on even when it is harsh and unfair.
Several years ago, her world was turned upside down in the course of a few hours. She literally had to rebuild her life from the ground up. For some people this would be so overwhelming that it would be easy to retreat from the world and simply give up. She never did this.
I believe it was her faith in God that pulled her through the darkest of hours and helped her gain back her life. I believe that God's grace continues to shine upon her every day through the Holy Spirit.
Paul writes to the Ephesians that God's grace is a gift. Through God's doing, not our own, we are raised up to heavenly places even when we have fallen and sinned. Through God's grace we are saved.