September 3, 1967, was “turn around day” in Sweden, where citizens changed from driving on the left side of the road to the right. After 1941, Sweden was the only country in continental Europe whose citizens drove on the left side. This caused chaos at border crossings. 90% of Swedes drove left-hand drive vehicles, causing many head-on collisions. Because of resistance to this change, a four-year education program was started with the advice of psychologists. At 4:50 a.m., “Hoger-dag/Right Day” began with all traffic halting for 10 minutes then changing from the left side to the right side of the roads.
Paul had a “Right Day” on the Damascus Road when he encountered Jesus. This dramatically changed his life’s direction. From one who once persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it, Paul immediately switched to serving, preaching and working to grow the early Christian church. However, some were suspicious of Paul’s dramatic transformation, saying Paul didn’t have God’s approval. But the Lord told Ananias to get this man for he was God’s chosen instrument to carry Jesus’ name forward. (Acts 9:15)
Redirected, Paul preached on the “Right Road” eternally.
Lord, keep us on the “Right Road” to have a “Right Day” today. Amen. —