God prepares

It’s winter, with temperatures dipping to minus 40 degrees C in northern Canada. Travelling, we see deer living in this environment and wonder how they manage. Studies show deer are one of the best prepared animals in winter. Their coats absorb the sunlight, trapping in body heat. Deer hooves thicken, shaping up like an ice pick in the snow. Adapting, they rest more, travel and forage in groups, and lower their heart rate, reducing the need for nourishing food. God prepares them for the winter.
Living in life-sustaining groups reminds me of the phenomenal staff who work with and benefit my intellectually disabled brothers. With caring family, work program agencies, medical teams and church family members, God prepares my brothers for their life’s circumstances.
When he was just a shepherd boy, David was prepared by God for his battle with Goliath. Speaking to King Saul, David said, “Your servant has killed both lions and bears; and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be like one of them…” (1 Samuel 17:36)
Like David, the deer and my brothers, God prepares and preserves us, allowing us to overcome our winters, because God loves us all. “How precious is your steadfast love, O God!” (verse 7)

Lord, in the icy fears of our winters, prepare us by teaching us to trust. Amen.

Contributed by George and Cathy Watson

Eternity for Today