I have a confession. I’m a news junkie, following more news than is healthy. My habit makes me an informed citizen but also a fearful person.
Today’s reading is for worriers like me and perhaps you. Our reading twice contains the simple injunction, “Do not fear.”
Isaiah writes to those who have many reasons to be fearful. Babylonian invaders have devastated Jerusalem and occupied Judea. They have been taken to captivity in a far-off land. Psalm 137:1 tells of their pain: “By the rivers of Babylon—there we sat down and there we wept when we remembered Zion.”
Isaiah reassures them that the time will come when the Lord will gather them up and return them to their homeland. God has created them and knows them by name. God calls them sons and daughters.
I cannot predict the news headlines when you read this devotion. But you likely won’t have to look far to find bad news. May we take to heart God’s words, “Do not fear.” In these turbulent times, it is as important for us as it was for the Judeans to give our fears to God, trusting the One who has redeemed us and ransomed us from sin and death.
Saving God, take my fear away. Amen. —