Light the darkness!

Some might say that we live in times of darkness due to wars, climate change and poverty, just to name a few. Isaiah also tells of times of darkness, recounting the destruction of the revered city and temple, and the mass exile. In our verses today, the darkness is given voice, but there is yet another voice included, the voice of hope.
While we long to lift our eyes to some light in our darkened world, we should note in verse 3 how the light is transferred—through us! We may ask ourselves how we are to accomplish such a momentous task as one person. Unfortunately, that type of thinking, when we fail to see that we are not the only one responsible, hinders the light of hope.
Think back only two weeks ago, to Christmas Eve. Many attend the candlelight services where the flame of one candle is passed to another, and another, and another, the light spreading throughout the worship space until the entire congregation stands as a light in the darkness. This image is merely a symbol of what we can do when we realize that each of us, bonded together, becomes light for a darkened world.

Hope of the world, give me the strength to let my light shine in the darkness of another’s world. Amen.

Contributed by Christ Lutheran Church Bible Study Group

Eternity for Today