With every new worship book, the words to our Baptism and Confirmation services change, but in essence they remain the same. Our parents and sponsors, then we, pledge to be faithful followers of Jesus, letting our lights shine wherever we are. In nearly 40 years of ministry, I never had anyone refuse to make that pledge. Carry out that pledge…well, that is not for me to judge.
Sometimes, we are told to walk in another’s shoes. That is a nice sentiment, but I have enough trouble walking in my own. To do the work of an evangelist every day, in every situation is a daunting task. Sometimes, the words won’t come, and if they do, they sound cold and passionless. Sometimes, I am frozen and end up not doing what I know a follower of Jesus should do. That is why Paul advises us to be sober. He’s not talking alcohol here; he’s talking about having a realistic understanding of who we are (redeemed sinners) and of the world around us.
We Lutherans tend to be a bit shy of the Holy Spirit. But again, as in yesterday’s devotion, we need to rely heavily on the Spirit so that our lights shine brightly for Jesus.
Send your Spirit upon me, O God, that my light shines brightly for you. Amen. —