Top ten lists

I think God was on to something here with this top ten list. Centuries have gone by since the Israelites were living in the desert, but advice on how to maximize our lives in 10 simple steps can still be found everywhere. There are top ten lists for finding love, for house cleaning, for movies to watch and everything in between.
Yet what separates those lists from this one is that this list is about where we prioritize our attention. It is a list for life. None of these rules are self-focused. The first four rules are about holding God in high esteem and respecting the creator who made all life. The fifth is about respecting our human parents who brought us into life. The last five are about how to respect and honour those around you.
In this original top ten list, it seems that God is letting us know that true satisfaction in life comes when we can focus not on ourselves, but on God and others. Centuries later, Jesus will boil this right down to, “Love God and love others.” Some things just are that simple.

Lord Jesus, may we always keep you top of mind as we seek to live out your commandments. Amen.

Contributed by Rev. Jennifer Schick

Eternity for Today