The foundation of prayer

In Paul’s letter to Timothy, Paul seeks to instruct him on how Christians and the church should behave. There are many rules about modesty, respectability, temperance, lack of greed and being peaceable to all. The list goes on: leaders in the church should be bold, faithful, hospitable, serious, well thought of by others, have a clear conscience, and ideally, have a model family.
Seeing the list can bring on anxiety or imposter syndrome for Christians, as we all know that we cannot always maintain these virtues. However, it is not Paul’s intention to shame us, but rather to lead us into new life.
Paul gives these instructions so that we can lead “peaceable life in all godliness and dignity.” (verse 2) In the face of all the instructions he can share, the most important instruction that he can give—to all of us, kings and civilians alike—is to pray.
Prayer is the foundation of our life in Christ. Prayer has the power to change us, our circumstances and those around us. Prayer is our first response of faith and the basis for our relationship with Jesus. If we pray, everything else will fall into place.

Lord, teach us to pray and may your peace, which passes all understanding, descend upon us, and make us more like you. Amen.

Contributed by Rev. Jennifer Schick

Eternity for Today