Children of God

Absalom, the third son of David, was not a nice individual. Despite being the favourite son of David, Absalom decided to take a different path from his father. He led the life of a lawless man and was a murderer, a thief and the leader of a rebellion against his own father. Absalom’s pride and greed got the better of him and he died a violent death. David was aware of Absalom’s deplorable behaviours, but still loved his son dearly. David did what he could to protect Absalom from himself, to no avail.
Reading this passage, with all the fighting and death, I find it hard to reconcile its presence in the Bible. But upon deeper thought I find the story makes more sense. I see the love that David had for Absalom, sinner though he was! Is that not the same as God’s love for us?
We churchgoers know we are sinners and that is why we are in church. We ask for forgiveness, yearn to learn more about Christ and to follow God, and thus become better people. God knows that we are sinners, but God loves us anyway!

Dear God, help me to put sin aside and to be a better person. Help me to be more deserving of your love. Amen.

Contributed by Jan Schulz

Eternity for Today