Occasionally at camp everything seems to go wrong. A day is planned to be filled with outdoor activities and it rains. A program director sustains an injury. A boat runs out of fuel during an out trip. We don’t plan for such things; in fact, we intentionally plan anticipating they will not happen. But when such things do happen in our own lives (regardless of planning), how do we react to such changes in plans? How often do we get frustrated, angry or worried when our plans don’t come together? How often do we want to place blame somewhere?
Do we ever consider that perhaps our plans that failed did not fit in with God’s plans? In this psalm we are warned about where we are to put our trust: not in mortals or mortal thinking, but rather in God. When making plans, this psalm reminds us that the plans of mortals fall to dust, but plans which are in accordance with God’s will are successful.
Mighty Lord of wisdom, guide me to make plans that are pleasing to you, so that I can avoid needless frustration, anger and worry. Amen. — LGR