Wednesday April 27th, 2016 Acts 16:9-15
During the night Paul had a vision: there stood a man of Macedonia pleading with him and saying, "Come over to Macedonia and help us." (verse 9)
Call it what you may, a vision, a premonition, a voice or a strong urge. You feel an amazing compulsion that you need to do something, and further, that it is God directing you to do so. In my 40+ years of ministry, I have, more times than I care to count, had the sudden feeling that I needed to make a particular pastoral visit as soon as possible. Time and again I have heard the words, “Pastor, I’m so glad that you came. How did you know that I needed to talk with you?”
Paul had a vision he was needed in Macedonia. He and his companions set out immediately, arriving at Philippi, a leading city of Macedonia. After some days they went outside the gates for prayer. There they found a group of women, including Lydia, a cloth merchant. Deeply moved by Paul’s words, Lydia and her whole household were baptized. She then prevailed upon Paul and company to accept the hospitality of her home.
God’s ways are often beyond our understanding. If we listen carefully, we might discover that God is speaking to us, calling us to new avenues of Christian service.
Speak, O Lord, for your servant is listening. Amen. — JG
Contributed by Called to Macedonia
Call it what you may, a vision, a premonition, a voice or a strong urge. You feel an amazing compulsion that you need to do something, and further, that it is God directing you to do so. In my 40+ years of ministry, I have, more times than I care to count, had the sudden feeling that I needed to make a particular pastoral visit as soon as possible. Time and again I have heard the words, "Pastor, I'm so glad that you came. How did you know that I needed to talk with you?"
Paul had a vision he was needed in Macedonia. He and his companions set out immediately, arriving at Philippi, a leading city of Macedonia. After some days they went outside the gates for prayer. There they found a group of women, including Lydia, a cloth merchant. Deeply moved by Paul's words, Lydia and her whole household were baptized. She then prevailed upon Paul and company to accept the hospitality of her home.
God's ways are often beyond our understanding. If we listen carefully, we might discover that God is speaking to us, calling us to new avenues of Christian service.