Thursday April 21st, 2016 Psalm 148
Praise the LORD from the heavens. (verse 1)
Living beside the ocean, I wake up to the sounds of nature. It is the gulls squawking. Their loud sounds make me laugh and think of the joy of God’s creation. Where do you hear the sounds of nature as anthems of praise to God?
Years earlier, driving from Fort St. John, British Columbia, to Hudson Hope in bright sunshine to lead worship, the long, improbably fragile needles of hoarfrost glistened on everything like the light of millions of diamonds. I was stunned by the beauty of it. Where do you see the sights of nature as anthems of praise to God?
Our reading for today is a song of praise. It speaks of the power of creation in tones that echo the Genesis account. Reading it after Easter, it comes as a re-creation song that is so appropriate. It speaks of old and young people together singing the praises of God. Where do you sense the beauty of such a gathering? In this short psalm the word praise is used in reference to God 12 times, coming from everywhere. Verse 14 is the surprise; it is the image of the Lord singing praise for all the faithful. Praise the Lord!
God, worthy of our praise, help us to see your beauty today. Amen. — RB
Contributed by Why is it so noisy?
Living beside the ocean, I wake up to the sounds of nature. It is the gulls squawking. Their loud sounds make me laugh and think of the joy of God's creation. Where do you hear the sounds of nature as anthems of praise to God?
Years earlier, driving from Fort St. John, British Columbia, to Hudson Hope in bright sunshine to lead worship, the long, improbably fragile needles of hoarfrost glistened on everything like the light of millions of diamonds. I was stunned by the beauty of it. Where do you see the sights of nature as anthems of praise to God?
Our reading for today is a song of praise. It speaks of the power of creation in tones that echo the Genesis account. Reading it after Easter, it comes as a re-creation song that is so appropriate. It speaks of old and young people together singing the praises of God. Where do you sense the beauty of such a gathering? In this short psalm the word praise is used in reference to God 12 times, coming from everywhere. Verse 14 is the surprise; it is the image of the Lord singing praise for all the faithful. Praise the Lord!