The invitations are out

My heart is longing to praise my Savior
And glorify his name in song and prayer;
For he has shown me his wondrous favor
And offered me all heav’n with him to share.

To you, O Savior, our adoration
Shall rise forever for your precious blood
Which blotted out all the accusation
Of sin and guilt which once against us stood.

What blessed joy overflows my spirit,
Because your wondrous grace to me was giv’n!
Complete your work, that I may inherit
Eternal life at last with you in heav’n!*

Endless glory, thanks, and praise to you, blessed Jesus, for the salvation you have given.
With great expectation I look forward to sitting down to supper with you. Amen.

*Lutheran Book of Worship #326, stanzas 1,5,6
Text (c)1932 Augsburg Publishing House, admin Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission.

Endless glory, thanks, and praise to you, blessed Jesus, for the salvation you have given. With great expectation I look forward to sitting down to supper with you. Amen. — KBL

Contributed by Kathleen (aka Kathy) Lee

Eternity for Today