Wednesday April 6th, 2016 Acts 9:1-20
"Go, for he is an instrument whom I have chosen to bring my name before Gentiles and kings and before the people of Israel. (verse 15)
They heard the voice but saw no one. They only saw flashes of light. Not only had they not seen anyone, Saul could no longer see anything. His companions would now have to lead their fearless leader by the hand like a child. They take him to the house of Judas. They had three days to think about their life with a blind leader, three days to prepare their resums.
Ananias, a faithful follower of the Way also hears a voice. But, unlike Saul, he knows the voice. He pushes back at the voice. “Lord, I’ve heard about this man?” The Lord says, “Go.” Ananias goes. He probably brought at least one friend who could have his back and help him out.
There’s a full room at Judas’ house. The story isn’t just about Saul and his new calling. It’s about the new calling for his friends as well. It isn’t just about Saul’s blindness. It’s about Ananias and the others seeing Saul as an instrument of God.
There’s a full room at Judas’ house. Even we are in that room somewhere.
Loving God, who calls us to be your workers, use us to build your realm and change our world. Amen. — LD
Contributed by Not Just Saul’s Story
They heard the voice but saw no one. They only saw flashes of light. Not only had they not seen anyone, Saul could no longer see anything. His companions would now have to lead their fearless leader by the hand like a child. They take him to the house of Judas. They had three days to think about their life with a blind leader, three days to prepare their resums.
Ananias, a faithful follower of the Way also hears a voice. But, unlike Saul, he knows the voice. He pushes back at the voice. "Lord, I've heard about this man?" The Lord says, "Go." Ananias goes. He probably brought at least one friend who could have his back and help him out.
There's a full room at Judas' house. The story isn't just about Saul and his new calling. It's about the new calling for his friends as well. It isn't just about Saul's blindness. It's about Ananias and the others seeing Saul as an instrument of God.
There's a full room at Judas' house. Even we are in that room somewhere.