
There are a number of things that don’t seem to go well with patience: standing in a long line at the grocery store when we’re in a hurry; trying to get anywhere during the so-called rush hour; waiting for the teenager, after curfew, to come home.

Patience may be a virtue, but it’s not always on the tip of my tongue or the bottom of my heart. Worst of all, it’s truly hard for me, at times, to be patient with someone else. Their pigheadedness, bad attitude, or annoying presence can drive me right up the wall (figuratively speaking!). Arghh!

Jesus tells a story about a fruitless fig tree in a vineyard. The owner doesn’t want to wait any longer. Fortunately for the fig tree, the tender of the garden steps in. He has a plan. He sees beyond the present moment. He sees the potential in the fig tree.

He is patient. There is a bumper sticker that says “God is not finished with me yet.” It’s a good reminder for me that God has a plan, sees beyond the present moment, and that God sees the potential in me. God is patient.

Tender God, continue to be patient with me this day, and create a patient heart within me. Amen. — LW

Contributed by Patience

There are a number of things that don't seem to go well with patience: standing in a long line at the grocery store when we're in a hurry; trying to get anywhere during the so-called rush hour; waiting for the teenager, after curfew, to come home. Patience may be a virtue, but it's not always on the tip of my tongue or the bottom of my heart. Worst of all, it's truly hard for me, at times, to be patient with someone else. Their pigheadedness, bad attitude, or annoying presence can drive me right up the wall (figuratively speaking!). Arghh! Jesus tells a story about a fruitless fig tree in a vineyard. The owner doesn't want to wait any longer. Fortunately for the fig tree, the tender of the garden steps in. He has a plan. He sees beyond the present moment. He sees the potential in the fig tree. He is patient. There is a bumper sticker that says "God is not finished with me yet." It's a good reminder for me that God has a plan, sees beyond the present moment, and that God sees the potential in me. God is patient.
Eternity for Today