My sister and I are working on settling our mother’s estate, and we are thankful she had things well organized. Taking care of our holdings before we die is the responsible thing to do while we are still in control of our faculties. It seems that lawyers require a sound mind in those who are making legal contracts. Putting our affairs in order gives us control to know that our wishes will be carried out.
In contrast, the apostle Paul gives instruction about putting things in order for living. He has instructed the Corinthians to examine themselves to see whether they are living in faith. (2 Corinthians13:5) He advises them to be at peace with one another so the love of God will be with them.
Can we see what needs to be put in order for our life in Christ? This kind of “putting in order” means relinquishing control of our life to God’s will. It is about taking the risk of being open to God’s surprises, waiting for the gift of faith and anticipating the unfailing grace, love and communion of the Three in One.
God of wonder and grace, prepare my heart to be the enlivened place of your presence for my life, now and always. Amen. — PAM