Last year, my wife and I had the privilege of going on a trip to Israel. In various places, including a couple of hotels where we stayed, we saw mezuzahs affixed to doorways. A mezuzah is a small, decorative case containing the Shema Yisrael, the texts of Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and 11:13-21. They are visible reminders to the Jewish people that there is only one true God.
As Christians we also hang visible reminders in our homes, usually a cross or a fish or a descending dove, to remind us of the God we worship and serve.
In the early church, the Roman authorities persecuted Christians for refusing to worship Caesar as Lord, as well as other gods and goddesses popular among non-Christians. Worshipping other gods and goddesses through the history of both the Jewish and Christian faiths has been a constant temptation.
Martin Luther said that we worship what we value most in life. For many, that involves other gods and goddesses such as: wealth, fame, eternal youth, power, and the list goes endlessly on.
What visible reminders help you to keep your life focused on worshipping and serving the one, holy and triune God?
One, holy and triune God, forgive us when we fall short of keeping the first and greatest commandment, for you alone are God. Amen. — GW-H