Friday May 1st, 2015 Philip and James, Apostles John 14:8-14
"Whoever has seen me has seen the Father." (verse 9)
Our whole lives long we ask the question, “What does God look like?” Scripture states that God made us in God’s own image, so I often enjoy times in the children’s message on Sunday when I can point to people in the congregation, male and female, young and old, and claim they look like God. Then I hold a mirror up to each of the children and tell them they, too, are made in God’s image.
Jesus tells Philip, “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.” Obviously, we are talking about more than mere physical resemblance. We are talking about deeds and motivations and attitudes. God made us in God’s own image, and Jesus is the closest human resemblance to God that ever walked the earth. So in Jesus we have seen God.
God is that quality, that attitude, that willingness within each of us to love our neighbour, to forgive each other, and to be the face of compassion to a broken world.
Gracious God, help us see the face of Jesus in each other. Amen. — ML
Contributed by What Does God Look Like?
Our whole lives long we ask the question, "What does God look like?" Scripture states that God made us in God's own image, so I often enjoy times in the children's message on Sunday when I can point to people in the congregation, male and female, young and old, and claim they look like God. Then I hold a mirror up to each of the children and tell them they, too, are made in God's image.
Jesus tells Philip, "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father." Obviously, we are talking about more than mere physical resemblance. We are talking about deeds and motivations and attitudes. God made us in God's own image, and Jesus is the closest human resemblance to God that ever walked the earth. So in Jesus we have seen God.
God is that quality, that attitude, that willingness within each of us to love our neighbour, to forgive each other, and to be the face of compassion to a broken world.