Sunday April 5th, 2015 Resurrection of Our Lord John 20:1-18
Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord." (verse 18)
Sometimes we might not “see the Lord” right in front of our eyes. It is not because God is not present with us. It is as if we aren’t present! It is easy to get distracted by the busyness of life. Maybe we have become turned in upon ourselves: only focused on our own accomplishments or possessions. Sometimes, like Mary Magdalene, we are temporarily blinded by feelings of grief, fear or anger.
Even at those times when we do not immediately recognize Christ, Christ never fails to recognize us. God knows us, loves us and calls each one of us by name, just as Jesus did when he encountered Mary Magdalene in the garden on the first Easter morning.
Easter Sunday is the day that gives meaning to all of our days. Because of Christ’s resurrection, we have the promise that death no longer has power over us. We also have the promise that God is with us now and always. Jesus calls us by name out of sin and death into a new resurrected life with him.
Risen Christ, help us to joyfully proclaim the good news and to walk in the glorious light of your resurrection, not just today, but every day. Amen. — KLS
Contributed by Seeing the Lord
Sometimes we might not "see the Lord" right in front of our eyes. It is not because God is not present with us. It is as if we aren't present! It is easy to get distracted by the busyness of life. Maybe we have become turned in upon ourselves: only focused on our own accomplishments or possessions. Sometimes, like Mary Magdalene, we are temporarily blinded by feelings of grief, fear or anger.
Even at those times when we do not immediately recognize Christ, Christ never fails to recognize us. God knows us, loves us and calls each one of us by name, just as Jesus did when he encountered Mary Magdalene in the garden on the first Easter morning.
Easter Sunday is the day that gives meaning to all of our days. Because of Christ's resurrection, we have the promise that death no longer has power over us. We also have the promise that God is with us now and always. Jesus calls us by name out of sin and death into a new resurrected life with him.