Samuel was a small child when his mother took him to the temple. The boy did not yet know God or God’s voice. One night God called, and the boy, expecting it to be Eli, got up and went to him. Three times Samuel went to the old priest, who finally realized it was God calling. Samuel had not heard God’s voice before, but he was ready to listen.
Like Samuel, we may not hear God calling. “No, it couldn’t be,” we think. “What could God want from me?” And we tune it out until the call becomes more urgent.
Early in 2014, a friend of mine died. We became friends during our elementary school years and remained friends for the rest of our lives. One day, when my grief was especially heavy, a client called.
“You’ve been on my mind,” she said. “How are you?”
I told her about my friend’s death, and she knew then why she needed to call.
We may not know the reason we are called to act, but I am grateful that my client responded, for that day I needed to know someone was ready to listen.
Heavenly Father, you listen to the cries of our hearts. Help me to be attendant to the urges you whisper in my ear. Amen. — CRW