This is a day we set aside to remember the many men and women of the past and present who strive and fight toward justice and equity for all. It is good that we remember and honour those who step up and fight for the good of all. Maybe you are like me when I confess that, aside from the news reports highlighting peacekeeping efforts, the work of these fighters for freedom is not on my mind.
“Don’t forget!” Amos shouts out to the people, and he could just as easily be shouting into my ear and maybe yours as well. Amos is calling for balance. The people worshipped God with rituals and sacrifices, but they forgot about caring for the poor and the hungry. Amos is calling for the people to woship God with heart, with the heart of God filled with compassion for all God’s people.
As we seek to follow God in Christ Jesus, in reverent worship, in faithful study of God’s word, in prayer and praise, my prayer is that we don’t forget to live with the heart of God beating within us.
Holy God, change my heart that I would be more like you. Guide my hands for compassionate work, lift my voice against injustice, take my feet to those in need. Amen. — LH