Wednesday October 2nd, 2019 Revelation 3:14-22
"Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me." (verse 20)
It was a windy day, and there was no end of different sounds to be heard, such as the house creaking or exterior window blinds rattling. Or knocking noises. Did we hear a knock? No, it must be the wind. Again. Was that someone knocking? No, probably not, but we look out the window. Oh. There was someone there who is walking away now to his parked car. We open the door and call out to get his attention. Yes, someone is home. We just didn’t hear the knocking at first. Please come in.
The risen Christ knocks at the door of our hearts and minds, and even when we do not hear-or choose not to hear!-he does not give up and go away. He remains; he has come to us. Just as the original disciples out in their fishing boat are invited to come ashore for breakfast by a mysterious stranger who proves to be the risen Christ, we are invited, too. He comes in and becomes the host; he is serving us.
Risen Christ, we tend not to come to you but rather you to us. Grant that we hear your knock and respond. Amen. — LI
Contributed by Did we hear someone knock?
It was a windy day, and there was no end of different sounds to be heard, such as the house creaking or exterior window blinds rattling. Or knocking noises. Did we hear a knock? No, it must be the wind. Again. Was that someone knocking? No, probably not, but we look out the window. Oh. There was someone there who is walking away now to his parked car. We open the door and call out to get his attention. Yes, someone is home. We just didn't hear the knocking at first. Please come in.
The risen Christ knocks at the door of our hearts and minds, and even when we do not hear-or choose not to hear!-he does not give up and go away. He remains; he has come to us. Just as the original disciples out in their fishing boat are invited to come ashore for breakfast by a mysterious stranger who proves to be the risen Christ, we are invited, too. He comes in and becomes the host; he is serving us.