Wednesday August 21st, 2019 Jeremiah 1:4-10
"See, today I appoint you over nations and over kingdoms, to pluck up and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant." (verse 10)
This is Jeremiah’s call to be a prophet. God was really hands on with Jeremiah, reaching out to touch his lips. Hands on or not, God has called each one of us into ministry in pretty specific ways-first in our baptism, then in our confirmation, and often since then. Throughout our lives people have spoken to us about God, God’s gift of Jesus, our Saviour, and all that God has done and is doing for us. Over the years, other people have modeled godly behaviour to us. And on a regular basis, the Holy Spirit niggles at us to get to some task or relationship that is waiting for our attention.
Sometimes, we have listened to those calls; sometimes, we have ignored them. Sometimes, we liked the tasks we were called to; sometimes, we did not. But God continues to send us messages repeatedly and waits patiently for us to get them and then get started. And God waits to walk with us all the way through those tasks, bearing the greater part of the load.
Faithful God, thank you for your patience with us, for your trust in us, for the respect you show us in choosing us and knowing we can do it-even and especially when it is really hard. Amen. — SB
Contributed by Called and called
This is Jeremiah's call to be a prophet. God was really hands on with Jeremiah, reaching out to touch his lips. Hands on or not, God has called each one of us into ministry in pretty specific ways-first in our baptism, then in our confirmation, and often since then. Throughout our lives people have spoken to us about God, God's gift of Jesus, our Saviour, and all that God has done and is doing for us. Over the years, other people have modeled godly behaviour to us. And on a regular basis, the Holy Spirit niggles at us to get to some task or relationship that is waiting for our attention.
Sometimes, we have listened to those calls; sometimes, we have ignored them. Sometimes, we liked the tasks we were called to; sometimes, we did not. But God continues to send us messages repeatedly and waits patiently for us to get them and then get started. And God waits to walk with us all the way through those tasks, bearing the greater part of the load.