Tuesday May 28th, 2019 Acts 16:16-34
"These men are slaves of the Most High God?" (verse 17)
Not many of us would want to be slaves, at least not the kind of slaves who are removed from their families, taken away in chains and beaten into submission. Yet the apostle Paul often refers to himself as a slave of Jesus Christ, and in today’s reading, both Paul and Silas are identified as “slaves of the Most High God.”
This is not an identity that either Paul or Silas dispute. In their estimation, they do belong to God-which is basically what a slave is, one who belongs to another. And so, whether they are locked up in prison or set free by an act of God, they continue to serve the one to whom they belong.
Many of us these days have a hard time thinking of God or Jesus as our Lord and Master (or whatever similar words might be deemed appropriate). Many prefer to be in charge of things themselves and not to take direction from anybody else. However, is belonging to God really such a bad thing?
Humanly speaking, slavery is condemned because human beings are created by God and belong to God and not to other human beings. And shouldn’t the one who loves us, created us and saved us be the one in charge?
Gracious God, thank you for your reminders that we belong to you. Amen. — LLH
Contributed by Slaves of God
Not many of us would want to be slaves, at least not the kind of slaves who are removed from their families, taken away in chains and beaten into submission. Yet the apostle Paul often refers to himself as a slave of Jesus Christ, and in today's reading, both Paul and Silas are identified as "slaves of the Most High God."
This is not an identity that either Paul or Silas dispute. In their estimation, they do belong to God-which is basically what a slave is, one who belongs to another. And so, whether they are locked up in prison or set free by an act of God, they continue to serve the one to whom they belong.
Many of us these days have a hard time thinking of God or Jesus as our Lord and Master (or whatever similar words might be deemed appropriate). Many prefer to be in charge of things themselves and not to take direction from anybody else. However, is belonging to God really such a bad thing?
Humanly speaking, slavery is condemned because human beings are created by God and belong to God and not to other human beings. And shouldn't the one who loves us, created us and saved us be the one in charge?