Friday June 8th, 2018 Psalm 138
The LORD will fulfil his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. (verse 8)
When I began my undergrad studies, I knew with great certainty that I wanted to be a social worker and that I wanted to work with children. My game plan was to take the courses I needed, do the work and get into a good social work program. This was my game plan and nothing would deter me, or so I thought.
In my final year of undergrad, I experienced a bump in my plan that changed the trajectory of my studies and eventual vocation. That bump was God encouraging me in a different direction to ordained ministry, and I fought the bump! God’s nudging persisted and my resistance softened. Sometimes we need to get out of our own mindset and more faithfully invite God into the midst of our conversations and decisions.
In hindsight, I now see that my plan and God’s plan were not so different. Each plan offered opportunity to serve the community, each plan offered hospitality, each plan offered relationship, but God’s plan was bigger then I allowed myself to imagine for myself. God’s faith in us is always bigger than our own faith and the things we can imagine for ourselves.
God, fulfill in us your purpose to be a light in the world, trusting in your steadfast love. Amen. — TLR
Contributed by Sometimes We Need To Get Out Of The Way
When I began my undergrad studies, I knew with great certainty that I wanted to be a social worker and that I wanted to work with children. My game plan was to take the courses I needed, do the work and get into a good social work program. This was my game plan and nothing would deter me, or so I thought.
In my final year of undergrad, I experienced a bump in my plan that changed the trajectory of my studies and eventual vocation. That bump was God encouraging me in a different direction to ordained ministry, and I fought the bump! God's nudging persisted and my resistance softened. Sometimes we need to get out of our own mindset and more faithfully invite God into the midst of our conversations and decisions.
In hindsight, I now see that my plan and God's plan were not so different. Each plan offered opportunity to serve the community, each plan offered hospitality, each plan offered relationship, but God's plan was bigger then I allowed myself to imagine for myself. God's faith in us is always bigger than our own faith and the things we can imagine for ourselves.