Sunday April 8th, 2018 2nd Sunday of Easter John 20:19-31
When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!" (verse 19)
Some friends and I were recently talking about how it seems easier these days to confess to almost anything except being a Christian. People can gain support on social media for a plethora of things, but when you say you’re Christian it can bring negative feedback.
Today’s reading is filled with positive reinforcement: Jesus appears among the disciples with a greeting of peace; he gives them the power to forgive sins; he even proves himself to the doubting disciple, Thomas.
There are so many positive things that it’s easy to miss what they were doing when it all began-they were hiding in fear of the Jews. None of what followed could have happened if they hadn’t come out of hiding and stepped forth with boldness into the world. Granted, Jesus was with them and gave them the tools they needed. But he is with us too and does the same for us through his word.
Lord, help us remember that you are still among us, and you grant us your peace to take away our fear and share you with a world that desperately needs you. Amen. — DLG
Contributed by Come Out of Hiding
Some friends and I were recently talking about how it seems easier these days to confess to almost anything except being a Christian. People can gain support on social media for a plethora of things, but when you say you're Christian it can bring negative feedback.
Today's reading is filled with positive reinforcement: Jesus appears among the disciples with a greeting of peace; he gives them the power to forgive sins; he even proves himself to the doubting disciple, Thomas.
There are so many positive things that it's easy to miss what they were doing when it all began-they were hiding in fear of the Jews. None of what followed could have happened if they hadn't come out of hiding and stepped forth with boldness into the world. Granted, Jesus was with them and gave them the tools they needed. But he is with us too and does the same for us through his word.