Sunday July 16th, 2017 6th Sunday after Pentecost Matthew 13:1-9,18-23
"But as for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit?" (verse 23)
Thomas and Mary Vaurghese spent their lives as missionaries to Nepal all through the years when it was against the law in this Hindu kingdom to teach and preach, and for people to convert to a different faith. School teachers, this couple believed strongly in their call to this mountainous country and moved from their home in India to Kathmandu.
After months of prayer they were approached by a Nepali member of parliament who requested them to come to his district and open a school. He would see there was a school in this remote area if they would only come. They told this Hindu man they were Christians and while they were happy to teach school, they also wanted to tell people about Jesus. For this they would require protection. His promise of protection was given and in the early 1960s they began teaching the “3 Rs” and telling the Good News, as have others over the years.
Today some 60 years later, there are tens of thousands of believers in Nepal. Good soil and good seed, watered well, and God has given the increase.
Gracious God, help us to hear and heed your call even when the outcome seems impossible. Amen. — REJ
Contributed by Faithful Witnesses
Thomas and Mary Vaurghese spent their lives as missionaries to Nepal all through the years when it was against the law in this Hindu kingdom to teach and preach, and for people to convert to a different faith. School teachers, this couple believed strongly in their call to this mountainous country and moved from their home in India to Kathmandu.
After months of prayer they were approached by a Nepali member of parliament who requested them to come to his district and open a school. He would see there was a school in this remote area if they would only come. They told this Hindu man they were Christians and while they were happy to teach school, they also wanted to tell people about Jesus. For this they would require protection. His promise of protection was given and in the early 1960s they began teaching the "3 Rs" and telling the Good News, as have others over the years.
Today some 60 years later, there are tens of thousands of believers in Nepal. Good soil and good seed, watered well, and God has given the increase.